Marielle Chabal

Born in 1988 in France. Lives and works in Paris.

Marielle Chabal devotes her work as an artist, researcher, and director to the construction of speculative fiction, more or less 'science-fiction', to question viewers about the world around them. With her regular or variable collaborators, the form of speculative fiction enables her to detect, from bricks of possibility, the fears aroused by the evolution of our societies. Her work takes the form of performative mood boards, symposiums, talk groups, films, and installations, always in formal alignment with the essence of the project. The obsessive nature of the collaborative form at the heart of her practice is reflected in her projects, as is the desire to come together to twist the world and realities through the prism of thinking about a shared future. Her works, driven by a collective and 'elastic' energy, are devices for re-apprehending and influencing the realities that overwhelm us and fictionalizing the real, in line with her vision of a re-evaluation of the social and political role of art.

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