Davide Sgambaro

Born in 1989 in Cittadella (Padua), IT. Lives and works in Turin, IT.

Sgambaro's research explores existential issues related to the condition of generational precariousness. Using different media, ranging from installation to photography, from sculpture to audio, he gives life to caustic narratives as a response to contemporary disparities. Delving through generational imagination and adopting an irreverent attitude, the artist is interested in the activation of survival mechanisms as a way to imagine possible survival solutions. His research is in fact linked to generational problems, with an eye to contemporary hysterias and obsessions caused by the search for fame. His works are presented through the use of narrative paradoxes triggered by traces of ephemeral corporeality. The body is the intermediary of the provocative, ironic gesture, that, together with the posthumous trace, resists the catatonic state and modifies space and matter. The importance of physical interaction is therefore a key to understand the installations that often weave with site-specific and participatory practices.

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