A 15-minute chat between curator Rossella Farinotti and artist Davide Sgambaro provides us with insights into the latter’s artistic practice: an exploration of the existential condition of the individual in the contemporary precariousness. A playful and irreverent tone, as well as a childhood imagery, are often employed by the artist through installation, photography, sculpture or video.
Starting from Davide Sgambaro’s "slow newsletter", in which values such as cooperation and thankfulness are essential, the conversations goes then at the heart of the artist’s universe, shedding light in particular - but not only - on the conception of his recent installation FENOMENO (Smiley). This is a laser projection that, slowly rotating on itself, appears in a completely empty space. An archetypal object, the smile appears as a relentless mask, embodying an expression of forced positivity, a facilitated and filtered communication.
The interview touches different subjects, from the artworks' titles to Sgambaro’s most recent projects, such as the residency program Nuovo Forno Del Pane by MAMbo Museum in Bologna, Italy.
Click below on images to watch the interview.